My Goals

Step 1 - Desire

Muscular Strength.

Step 2 - Belief

I work out about every other day, but I sometimes get lazy.

Step 3 - Analyze Where You Are Now

I'm already have good muscular strength, I would just like to have more.

Step 4 - Set Realistic Goals

I want to be able to do 50 push-ups.

Step 5 - Write Your Goals In Detail

50 push-ups in 6 weeks.

Step 6 - List The Benefits

I will look better, feel better, and be healthier.

Step 7 - List The Obstacles

Being lazy, not having workout equipment, and not having the time.

Step 8 - What Knowledge Do You Need

Nutrition, how much weight to use, and when to work out.

Step 9 - Make A Plan Of Action

I will do 25 push-ups every other day. Next week I will add on 5 more, until I reach 50.

Step 10 - Develop A Time Line

Push-Ups:     25 30 35 40 45 50
Week:           1   2   3   4   5   6

Step 11 - Monitor Your Progress

I plan to look over my work-out plan by monitoring it every Friday.

Step 12 - Never Give Up

My mom and dad will help me keep focus, I might even work out with them time to time. I can keep motivated by thinking about how good I will feel when I've completed my goal. I could post them on here, or write them down on a piece of paper.